Contact your Legislator


There is a planned Hearing on Tuesday, April 16th.

Show your support by contacting all legislators to all the House Human Service committee members and briefly tell your support for HB 1564. (support services for Deafblind people). Below are all the emails, batched ready for you! And if you happen to live in the areas listed below, even more important for you to tell THAT rep that you live in their district and support it. Feel free to forward this to friends and families in those areas.


Email Template

Dear <Legislator Name>

I am writing in support of SB 704 and HB 1564, which would create a Support Service Provider Program (SSP) for individuals who are DeafBlind in Texas. SSPs provide DeafBlind individuals who do not have guardians with the opportunity to lead empowered and independent lives and be contributing members of society. (

<Optional: Add a personal story or reason why you support this cause>

It would be great to have your support for this important legislation. Thank you for your time.

<your name>

Phone Call Template

Hello! My name is <your name> and I am calling in support of SB 704 and HB 1564, which would create a Support Service Provider Program (SSP) for individuals who are DeafBlind in Texas. SSPs provide DeafBlind individuals who do not have guardians with the opportunity to lead empowered and independent lives and be contributing members of society It would be great to have your support for this important legislation! Thank you for your time in taking my phone call.