House Committee Advances Co-Navigator Bill

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Kris Cué here, along with the rest of the TAD Co-Navigator Legislation team with very exciting updates on our Co-Navigator bill: House Bill (HB) 140. 

First of all, on Tuesday, February 28 Senator Bryan Hughes filed an identical companion bill, Senate Bill (SB) 1317; and it has since been referred to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services (HHS). Senator Hughes is the same senator who filed this legislation for us two years ago, and he fought hard for us at that time. And most fortunately for us, Senator Hughes now serves on this Senate HHS Committee. 

Second, on Tuesday, March 7 the House Committee on Human Services (HS), held its public hearing on our bill. Due to imposed time restrictions, Hayley Broadway was the only DeafBlind stakeholder who was allowed to testify. But luckily—and with great enthusiasm—our DeafBlind friend Kim Powers accompanied her at the dais, so that she could, through Protactile language, more effectively understand what Hayley was telling the committee.

To access a captioned video of the hearing click here.  We have also included a written transcript of the hearing.

Description: Photo of group celebrating at the Capitol after our bill hearing—and smiling ever so joyfully. In the front row (left to right) are: Lobbyist Kate Goodrich, Bill Sponsor Representative Mary González, DeafBlind Stakeholders Hayley Broadway & Kim Powers, Ally Jacqueline Orr, and Lobbyist LaRessa Quintana. In the back row (left to right) are Lobbyists Aaron Gregg & Ikenna Okoro.

Third, on Tuesday, March 14 the House HS Committee unanimously voted our bill favorably out of committee. Our bill now begins its journey to reach the full House Chamber for a 2nd Reading (floor debate), and then a 3rd Reading and Chamber vote for-or-against passage to engrossment. If passed by the full House Chamber, our bill then gets referred to the Senate.

The Senate Clerk should then assign HB 140 to the Senate HHS Committee. This committee, as in the House, will (hopefully) hold a public hearing on our bill, and soon thereafter pass it favorably out of committee. Our bill then hopefully reaches the full Senate Chamber for a floor debate, and then a chamber vote for-or-against passage to enrollment. If passed to enrollment, our bill proceeds to the Governor for his signature. And finally, If the Governor signs our bill, it becomes a law, and goes into effect on September 1.

We will continue to keep you updated, and please help us spread the word. Anyone may subscribe to our eBlasts by clicking here. And there might come a time when we will request that you call or email your legislators to request support for our bill. At this point though, there is absolutely no need to swamp them with phone calls and emails. Again, we seem to have a lot of legislative support. 

Thank you so much and we will keep you posted!

Kris Cué

Texas DeafBlind Coalition