Hi, Hayley here with updates from this week!
On Tuesday morning, our HB 3287 was “heard and considered” in the House Committee on Human Services’ public hearing at the Capitol. It went so well!
As of today, HB 3287 was voted favorably out of the committee! HOORAY! Stomping and cheering with you all!
This is what we wanted, and we are going on the right track. Our wonderful lobbying team still advises against contacting any legislators. Our regular Friday eBlasts contain important information on what to do and on what to expect. This is not the end, yet! There are phases that our bills still have to go through, and this is going the way it should be.
Here is a preview of what transpired on Tuesday: our two well-adored DeafBlind persons, Kim Powers and Erik Hammer, testified in support of our HB 3287 that was authored and explained by Representative Mary González. Resource witnesses from the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD), Ron Lucey and Randi Turner, also testified. 20 written testimonies were submitted as well, and thank you to those who sent us your written testimonies!
For more on this hearing, please go here and our twitter feed.
Onwards and upwards!
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