Co-Navigator Bill Senate Status—URGENT ACTION NEEDED

graphic of hand casting a vote

Hello all.  Jacque here, subbing for Hayley. 

Today, we are sending two eBlasts. This first one is focused on those of you who live in any of the senatorial districts represented by the nine members of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services (HHS Committee).  Our bill is now with these committee members (listed below), who may—or may not—decide to hold a public hearing on HB 3287. NOTE: If they do not hold a public hearing on our bill, then it “dies in committee.”

It is vital, therefore, that we persuade these committee members to schedule a public hearing. How? “Constituent” emails or phone calls: the more emails or phone calls that each committee member gets from voters who actually live in their district, the better chance there is that they will decide to hold a public hearing. 

So, IF YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THEIR DISTRICTS, please email or call your senator—as a constituent, to request that they support our bill and schedule a public hearing. To learn who represents you, go to and enter your full street address.  Your state senator should be the third item on the list that pops up.  Is your state senator listed below?  If so, you are a “constituent” of a senator who serves on this very powerful HHS committee, and we need you to email or call that senator—as their constituent—as soon as possible.  Don’t forget, if you need help finding out who represents you in the state senate, please contact us at and we will happily assist you. And a sample email to guide you follows this list of committee members. Please help us pass this vital legislation!  

Our lobbying team remains cautiously optimistic about this bill, and so appreciates everyone’s participation and cooperation. This is truly a team effort!  

The second eBlast, to be sent out later today, outlines the few remaining steps that our bill must take in this legislative process. And of course, we will keep you all updated!

PT Stomps & Cheers! 

Jacque Orr

Member, DeafBlind Coalition of Texas


César Blanco – – 512-463-0129

Dawn Buckingham, M.D. – – 512-463-0124

Donna Campbell, M.D. – – 512-463-0125

Bob Hall – – 512-463-0102

Lois Kolkhorst (Chair) – – 512-463-0118

Borris L. Miles – – 512-463-0113

Charles Perry (Vice Chair) – – 512-463-0128

Beverly Powell – – 512-463-0110

Kel Seliger – – 512-463-0131

Subject: HB 3287 / SB 1715, Request for Support & Public Hearing

My name is [Insert your name]. As your constituent and [a DeafBlind Texan] [an ally of DeafBlind Texans] I strongly urge you to support HB 3287 by Representative and Appropriations Committee Vice Chair Mary González (and companion bill SB 1715 by Senator and State Affairs Committee Chair Bryan Hughes)—and respectfully request that your Committee on Health and Human Services set a hearing for this vitally important legislation, that would provide Co-Navigation services for autonomous DeafBlind Texans. Co-Navigators work as a team with DeafBlind adults to carry out vital activities of daily living, such as shopping for groceries, running errands, obtaining medical and dental treatment, banking, paying bills, accessing the internet, testifying at public hearings and voting. This bill enables DeafBlind individuals to make informed decisions for conducting their own affairs, so that they can best live in and contribute to their communities.

Mirroring what other states have done, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission would be authorized to create a statewide Co-Navigator services network for eligible DeafBlind Texans that would include: 1) adopting rules to establish program eligibility, Co-Navigator qualifications, and levels of reimbursement; 2) monitoring compliance with those rules; and 3) providing for DeafBlind consumer training and Co-Navigator skills training. The minimal fiscal impact to the state (which the Legislative Budget Board estimates to be $1,401,153.00 through the biennium ending August 31, 2023) will make a critical difference to the lives of DeafBlind Texans and their families. 

[Feel free to put a personal note here about how this bill would benefit your life.]

For more information, please visit the Texas Co-Navigator website at

Also please feel free to reach out to spokesperson Kate Goodrich at 817-614-1804, or Aaron Gregg at 512-971-8347 if you have any questions. 

Please give this bill a hearing, and vote it favorably out of committee. Thank you so much for your time. 


[Your Name]

[Member, Texas DeafBlind Coalition]

Street Address

Town, State

Zip Code