HB 3287—What Happens Next?

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Hello all.  Jacque here, again subbing for Hayley. 

Below are the basic steps that remain for our Co-Navigator bill, in chronological order, before it becomes law. Note: these steps do not consider the unlikely occurrence of our bill being amended: the House did not amend our bill, so we don’t expect the Senate to.

  1. Our bill is now with the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services (HHS Committee). This committee must decide to hold a public hearing on HB 3287. If you live in a district covered by one of these committee members, please ask them to support our bill and request that they schedule a public hearing. Read our prior eBlast from this morning for full information, including a sample email for you to customize [insert link here]. And a big THANK YOU to those of you who have already sent a “constituent” email to one of these committee members.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If this Senate committee does hold a public hearing, we will be asking only one DeafBlind witness to testify in person, again per directions from our lobbying team. But still, you will be able to make your wishes known. Much like we did on April 13th, before the House Committee hearing on our bill, we plan on submitting your compiled witness statements to the Senate committee. More about that in a later eBlast.
  1. The HHS Committee must vote HB 3287 “favorably out of committee” after they hold a public hearing—like the House committee did on April 16th. 
  1. HB 3287 must be added to the Senate’s “Notice of Intent Calendar,” so that the full Senate may consider—and hopefully pass it. BUT, there is also a chance that our bill, since it is simple and non-controversial, might be placed on the Senate’s “Local and Uncontested Calendar.”  This would expedite Senate action on the floor, because debate is not needed. The last day for final Senate action (3rd reading) on all bills is May 26th
  1. The full Senate must consider and pass HB 3287 (2nd & 3rd reading). If they do, HB 3287 is then returned to the House, where it is “enrolled” and signed by the presiding officers of each chamber. The presiding officer for the House is the House Speaker, and for the Senate is the Lieutenant Governor. The last day of the 87th Regular Session (sine die) is May 31st
  1. HB 3287 is then sent to the Governor, who either signs it, vetoes it, or allows it to become law without his signature. The last day the governor can sign or veto bills passed during the regular session is June 20th. If the Governor signs our bill—or otherwise allows it to become law without his signature, then our bill will become law, and will go into effect on September 1st of this year!

Again, our lobbying team remains cautiously optimistic about this bill, and so appreciates everyone’s participation and cooperation. This is truly a team effort!  We will keep you all updated!

PT Stomps & Cheers! 

Jacque Orr

Member, Texas DeafBlind Coalition

TAD Co-Navigator Legislative Sub-committee Co Chair