HB 3287 – On to Final Vote in the Senate!

graphic of hand casting a vote

Happy Saturday, Hayley here!  We are so excited to bring you great news! We are ALMOST at the finish line!!!! 

Yesterday, May 21st, the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services considered our Co-Navigator Bill, then voted it favorably out of committee! 

We would like to extend a special thank you to Ron Lucey from the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities, who testified on our behalf. Mr. Lucey, thank you! To everyone else, thank you all for sending your constituent emails to this committee—every email made a difference. And last but not least, our lobbyists, Aaron Gregg and Kate Goodrich, worked extremely hard: we are deeply grateful.

To view the hearing and read the transcript of yesterday’s hearing on our bill, click here.

Now, on what happens next: our bill must go to the Senate Floor for a floor debate (2nd Reading) and 3rd Reading, by Wednesday, May 26th—the last day for the Senate to consider all bills and joint resolutions. 

If the full Senate, by a simple majority, votes YES on our bill, then it is finally passed

When it finally passes, our bill will be sent to the Governor, who has until June 20th to take action. If he does not veto our bill, then it becomes law and goes into effect September 1st of this year. 

Keeping fingers and toes crossed, and let’s remain cautiously optimistic together because, as you know, anything can happen with our Texas legislature. Smile

Hopefully, the next eBlast will report that our bill passes. Stay tuned! 

